Who knew that on such a short trip to the local ice cream shop one could be subjected to so many ignorant and intrusive questions. What should have just been a usual "hi, what do you want? Here’s your ice cream, get out of my shop." turned into a marauding of every ignorant question that I hate. I walk in to the opener of "I love your hair." (Fair enough, I do have a solid 7 inches of curly fro on my head) Which then lead to a question that makes me want to kick humanity in the crotch. “How do you make your hair like that, like how do you do to it?" I answered the only way I knew how. "Birth". He did not believe me. Is it possible that this man has not seen enough black people in his entire life to put together the statistic that the default setting of a Negro's hair is curly, just like mine? (I could be over reacting but maybe after hearing this question by enough ignorant people one gets to their wits end). I grabbed my Ice Cream (Heresy’s Oh Henry ice cream, yum!) and walked out to sit on the patio, the moment I sat down almost like a horror movie the Ice Cream Man was right behind me, pondering his next rediculous question. "You're are very tall, you must play basketbal.l" he says as if it were fact. I reply again with the only way I knew how, "No" I told him. But he didn't believe me. (But common fair enough, I mean who was I fooling I had to play basketball. I mean all Germans are Nazis right, every Asian boy works in a sweatshop, and we all know that the Mexicans are friggin' L-A-Z-Y, so i see exactly why me being a basketball star, turned rapper/criminal, with at least 2 illegitimate children, wasn't that much of a stretch.
... So in conclusion I guess today I learned that Ignorance is not bliss
Ignorance is just, well... Ignorance.